2021 Achievement Award Winner – North Hawaii Hospice
Integriti3D is excited to announce North Hawaii Hospice as the first annual Hospice Governance Academy Achievement Award winner. The Achievement Award recognizes hospice boards that have leveraged HGA to become high-performing collaborative leaders for their organization.
The North Hawaii Hospice board has eagerly embraced the concepts of continuous learning and intentional focus on key priority areas. The board conducted a self-assessment and worked diligently to address the initiatives that were prioritized in the resulting action plan. Each board committee was assigned a key priority and using HGA modules to inform their work, accomplished major goals. I congratulate the North Hawaii Hospice board on this outstanding achievement.

Hospice is not about giving up hope, its about improving quality of life.
North Hawaii Hospice has provided quality, compassionate services for patients and their families during the final stages of life for more than 30 years. They believe in supporting people’s wishes to approach the end of life with a greater sense of empowerment, comfort, and peace.
Unlike other forms of care that focus only on the patient’s physical needs, North Hawaii Hospice also provides emotional and spiritual support for the patient and loved ones, as well as bereavement support for all of those affected for an entire year after the death.
All of these services are offered free of charge. Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, or NHH (through fundraising) covers the cost of hospice care.

Developing a High Performing Board
North Hawaii Hospice enrolled in the Hospice Governance Academy in 2020, when the COVID pandemic had started in the U.S. The hospice board could no longer meet in person and could not conduct their normal fundraising activities.
Integriti3D consulting was a way for the North Hawaii Hospice board to evaluate its performance, identify areas of priority focus, and create a board development plan. HGA was a tool to guide, educate, and hold the board accountable for their strategic sustainability plan.
In particular, the board leveraged the HGA Spotlight Interview Series to learn about a wide range of complex topics. Board members were able to get up to speed quickly, use learning tools for knowledge retention, and get motivated for making their own organization the most effective it can be while living out its mission.
Together, the North Hawaii Hospice accomplished the following major goals:
- Improved policies, consolidated management of its investment portfolio in order to provide better oversight of the organization’s reserves
- Outlined a board recruitment plan and recruited new board members
- Adopted a Sustainability Framework for long-term direction
- Began new initiatives to raise visibility via staff hiring an social media presence
Our self-assessment process led to a strategic sustainability plan with three primary components: board development strategies; collaboration strategies, both locally and statewide; and internal strategies for business development and improvements in operational performance.
Finally, hospice-focused board development
The Hospice Governance Academy was created to provide industry-specific content directly to hospice leaders. HGA is an easy, online learning platform that ensures your board has a shared base of core hospice governance knowledge and up-to-date information on trends and issues facing hospice care today. Content is contributed regularly by industry-recognized experts.