I’d make the case that every board should be doing a self-assessment process at least every two to three years.  The result will be an action plan that allows the board to decide for itself what are the areas that it wants to work on so that it can be the most effective board possible for the organization it supports.

Special Topic for Board Chairs and Chief Executives

One of the basic premises of the Hospice Governance Academy is that there ought to be continuance improvement in governance and boards.  And there’s no way of really doing that without some form of assessment.  Integriti3D President, Bill Musick shares an overview of Self-Assessments for Boards and the important roles the Board Chairs and Chief Executives play in driving an action plan from such an exercise.

Bill Musick

President, Integriti3D

Finally, hospice-focused board development

The Hospice Governance Academy was created to provide industry-specific content directly to hospice leaders. HGA is an easy, online learning platform that ensures your board has a shared base of core hospice governance knowledge and is up-to-date on trends and issues facing hospice care today. Content is contributed regularly by industry recognized experts.

Featured Content

Hospice Governance Academy includes content that ensures your board has a shared base of Core Knowledge and is up-to-date on trends and issues facing the industry. Content is contributed by industry recognized experts.

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Spotlight Interview: Leveraging the Partnership between the Board Chair and Chief Executive

Learn how to forge a productive relationship between a board chair and the chief executive from Makiyah Moody, Senior Consultant at La Piana Consulting.

See Leveraging the Partnership

See the Spotlight Interview Series

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Core Knowledge Course: Assessment of the Chief Executive

Create strong boards that are highly engaged and contributing to the success of the organization’s vision and mission.

See Assessment of the Chief Executive

See Core Knowledge Courses

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Article:  HHS OIG Report on Abuse and Neglect (June 2019)

Is your board ready to handle greater compliance scrutiny?  The “Identifying Potential Abuse or Neglect” report demonstrates that the OIG’s interest in safeguarding vulnerable populations has expanded to ALL Medicare services.

See HHS OIG article

See all articles in Resource Center

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